Geocaching – Friday Fictioneers

A couple of my friends post in Friday Fictioneers once a week and I thought maybe I should give it a try.  I have to come up with a short story – no more than 100 words – about the above featured picture.

So, here goes:

They stood side by side, surprised and confused.  His jacket still had the price tag dangling from the left sleeve.   

“This can’t be right!”  Steve said, frowning at the GPS in his hand.

“Are you sure you put in the correct coordinates?” 

“I’m perfectly capable of putting coordinates into a GPS, Cheryl!” he snapped.

He compared the numbers to the ones in a notebook.

“Yes! This is exactly the right place.”

“Well, Steve, since Geocaching was your idea, you dig it up!  I’ll be waiting in the car.”  Cheryl stated sarcastically.  “Hand over the keys.”

The lovely photo prompt for this week is provided by Liz Young.  Thanks Liz.  If you would like to see more stories, click the button below.

Special thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for her weekly photo challenge Friday Fictioneer.

32 thoughts on “Geocaching – Friday Fictioneers”

  1. Excellent! LOOOOOOL

    I first read this directly from my email notice of your new post, and didn’t have the picture. I was expecting something like this, but I just cracked up when I opened your blog’s page!

    1. I was a little worried that I was too vague because The Viking didn’t get it. Thanks for letting me know I hit the mark.

  2. Dear Mrs. Completely,

    One can’t always trust those GPS gadgets. I once had one lead me to a private home when I was actually looking for a cemetery. A hearty welcome to Friday Fictioneers! I look forward to reading more from you.



    1. Thanks Rochelle. I like this group. I’ve been trolling around for a few weeks now , screwing up my courage. :o)

  3. Yes! So very happy to find you here, Miss Thang! About time you screw up your courage to join in this crazy group.
    What a fabulous first FF to boot! Whaddaya mean The Viking didn’t get it? Sheesh…

  4. I’ve start Geocaching with my children, not quite got this extreme though!

    But welcome to Friday Fictioners, it get addictive!

  5. Hah, here’s a man who asks for directions, but did he really enter the coordinates correctly? I have my doubts. Great dialogue, fun story, and welcome to the Fictioneers. 🙂

    1. Maybe he wrote them in his little book wrong – he was lost before he ever left his car. LOL! Thanks so much for the welcome. :o)

  6. Welcome aboard! Any friend of Dale’s is someone who’s mind we can mess with. 🙂 She’s such a hoot.

    I love the exchange between Steve & Cheryl. They sound very much like me and Connie, except I try to remove the price tags before going out in public.

    1. Don’t tell anyone but I have forgotten a tag once. :o) Thank you for the warm welcome and kind words.

  7. Ha.. you have to dig geocaching… I’ve never tried it but I have found geocaches while out walking anyway.

    1. I haven’t been geocaching myself but I have friends who really enjoy it. One day perhaps…. :o)

  8. Welcome to FF! Good story. I had to look up geocaching in Merriam Webster.
    Sounds like risky business, knowing how GPS works. A friend said he was driving down the highway and the GPS voice kept insisting he move to the right ten metres — into the ditch!

    1. The Viking had to make changes to the voice options on my GPS. The preset voice was a man. With a condescending tone like he’s looking down his nose at me. “In 200 meters turn left.” I immediately get all “Oh no I WON’T!” and “You can’t tell me what to do!” and “Just for that I’m turning right! How do you like THAT?!” In the interests of actually getting where we need to be The Viking changed it to a British Woman that’s super bossy. I might not like her but she doesn’t rub me the wrong way quite as badly as that Snotty Guy did. :o) Also, my GPS insists I “return to the road at my earliest convenience” too, sometimes.

  9. Ah, it is so nice to see you in Friday Fictioneers! Brilliant debut, this one was hilarious. I got it immediately, I’m not sure what is wrong with The Viking 😉

    This really gave me a chuckle because I have tried geocaching with my daughter and I have felt the frustration of being at the right coordinates but not finding the cache. If I’m ever led to a grave, however, my geocaching days will be over!

    1. Thanks Amie! Everyone is so awesome in this group. As for geocaching….I’ve never done it before. I have a friend who loves it though and this picture was just asking for it. :o) I edited it after The Viking looked confused so perhaps it’s less about him and more about my word-smithing.

  10. Welcome completely. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. It’s always good to add a new member to our group. Great first effort, you have nothing to worry about.

    1. Thank you. :o) Sorry for the confusion, but you should probably know up front that ‘confusion’ is my specialty. It’s a gift. :o)

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