Is it dangerous?

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers.  Tell a story based on the picture below in 100 words or less.


“Just a peek for now, we can’t risk being seen.  Poor Jacques learned that the hard way.”

Pascal’s eyes grew round.  “Is it dangerous?”

“Not if you know what you’re doing.”  Louis boasted.  “Relax!  I’m the best!”

“Um……okay.”  Hesitantly, not totally convinced.

Louis grinned mischievously.  “You’re not in the country anymore, cousin.  This is the city – you can find anything you want!”

“Is there cheese?  I love cheese.”

“Only about 10 different kinds!”

“And toast?  Toast is wonderful.”  Pascal’s tummy rumbled.

“Let’s grab a nap now so we can eat all night!” Louis said, his whiskers dancing in anticipation. 

-100 words

Special thanks to Roger Bultot for the cool photo and to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting Friday Fictioneers.

For more short stories, click the button below.

37 thoughts on “Is it dangerous?”

  1. Those country mice just have a hard time adapting to the big city, don’t they? Totally unrelated, I just noticed that your profile picture is no longer a drawing.

    1. Haha! Assimilation is difficult for country mice, for sure. And yes…..I’m no longer a bad drawing. I’m totally out in the open now. :o)

  2. This made me think of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse by Aesop… I guess that there is a price to pay for abundance.

    1. I hadn’t consciously decided to write about the Aesop Fable but it happened so went with the flow. :o)

    1. But they’re TALKING MICE! Someone based an entire theme park/movie making empire on a talking mouse. Cinderella let mice make the most important dress of her whole life. Fievel went west. Mice hold the secrets to Nimh. Surely we can let Talking Mice have a crumb here or there. :o) Or not. I’m not making judgments here. :o)

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