My Finger Is Fucked. And Also my Brain.

I believe I’ve passed my ‘Best Before Date’.  I’m not one to worry much about getting older; in fact, I actually like the person I’ve become.  It didn’t come easily though, there were very high hills and very deep valleys that needed to be traversed, but it shaped who I am and that’s fine by me and, apparently, The Viking because he still sleeps beside me every night.  The down-side of getting older, of course, is a body that can’t – or won’t in this case – keep up with my big ideas and crazy dreams.  Or even get out of bed in the morning without a bunch of whining.

I noticed, the other day, that my left pointer finger is evolving, adding an extra lump to the first knuckle below my fingernail.  After rubbing it and poking it and staring at it there was only one conclusion to be made:  my finger is fucked.  Thankfully, the fuckage doesn’t include pain which is great news considering what’s going on elsewhere in Lori Land.

I woke up one morning last week to the shrieks of my left shoulder.  I said, “What the hell?!”  It said nothing but stabbed me in the neck just for spite.

“Oh, come on!  You have to do this now?  I was going to paint the entire house tomorrow!”


“……okay….I wasn’t going to paint the whole house, but it still isn’t the most convenient time to have your meltdown.  I need both shoulders at the moment.  If I had known how picky you were going to get I would have exercised more!”


“…….okay…..I probably wouldn’t have exercised more, but that is no excuse for getting cranky.  It’s not like you’re really old yet!”

We eventually had to agree to disagree.  Shoulder was complaining about carrying the weight of the world and I was insisting it was being a big old baby.  It gave up two days later but gives me a twinge every once in a while, just to remind me that it’s still there and not especially happy.

And then the thumb on my left hand……


It’s the finger on my left hand, the left shoulder and the left thumb!  I was working with the theory that random body parts were acting out, but this appears to be a pattern.  A left pattern!  Maybe it’s my entire left side that’s fucked.

Just a minute…..I need to check on something…..another possible theory….





This is what Brain Made Simple has to say.

The left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body. It also performs tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science and mathematics. On the other hand, the right hemisphere coordinates the left side of the body and performs tasks that have do with creativity and the arts.*

I am right handed and I’m famous for my logic so maybe my left brain is hosting a sloppy protest about the amount of feelings going on, but only a few body parts want to participate.  Or, it could be my hippy, feel-y right brain is bullying my nerdy left brain for being such a party-pooper.  OR…..maybe it’s the whole brain having tiny hissy fits hosted in random body parts.

Maybe I need some vitamins or something.  I looked up ‘Food that’s good for your Brain’ and found out that I should be eating more of this:

  • Fatty Fish – Yuck! I prefer fish that doesn’t taste like fish.
  • Coffee – Yum!
  • Blueberries – Meh.
  • Turmeric – what the fuck is that?!
  • Broccoli – Meh.
  • Pumpkin Seeds – okay.
  • Dark Chocolate – ummmm….I prefer Milk Chocolate but I suppose I could go with the dark in a pinch.
  • Nuts – Is this a good recommendation for someone who is already a little bit nuts?
  • Oranges – can I drink the juice to avoid all the hassle of the peel? It gets under my fingernails.
  • Eggs – YUM!
  • Green Tea – only if it doesn’t taste like Green Tea because that shit is nasty.**

Sigh.  I suppose I need to take steps.  It seems that my brain has a mind of its own and being reasonable isn’t its forté.

So, brace yourself Brain!  I’m about to dump all sorts of good shit on you.  Lots of eggs and coffee, the occasional orange juice, a couple nibbles of dark chocolate and a pumpkin seed with a blueberry chaser.  You may have won concessions with food, but there is no way in hell that you’ll take away my Lemon Gin & Tonic.

Seriously.  Don’t fuck with the Lemon Gin & Tonic.


PS:  While I was searching for brain pictures I came across something  Disturbing   and before Brain intervened, Finger clicked the link.  I mention this because I should have a written testament that I was not looking for ways to get a new brain, legally or illegally.  If people start losing their brains in my general vicinity it is a total coincidence.


*This is a fact, so you might have learned something.  Please accept my apologies.  This blog is supposed to be a total waste of time. 

**Additional Apologies for the additional learning (if you didn’t already know about this, of course).

6 thoughts on “My Finger Is Fucked. And Also my Brain.”

  1. Don’t get me started on the bumps on my right index finger (especially). Not quite so pronounced on my left and I have genetics to thank for that. Both Mom and Grandmaman have/had it. And it hurts, too!
    Those fuckers hurt too, if hit by accident. A quick way to see stars, if you’re interested.

    1. Yuck! I definitely don’t need another source of pain. 😳 I’m hoping my bumps don’t become irritable like yours. 😀

  2. Please toss this in the trash if you wish; I generally never “diagnose” people without their permission. I thought I would share with you that the left side of the body is also the side that receives. Usually when there is more than one injury on the same side of the body, it has to do with how well we receive from the world. So, 2 fingers= hands are about handling things, and shoulders are exactly what you said, carrying the burdens of responsibility. So there you go. I have to tell you, one day a few weeks ago I was reading out loud to my daughter as we were drinking wine, your post about the Viking in the garage throwing shit out the door. We were laughing so hard, I a. wet my pants, b. did more ab work in that 5 minutes than the entire month before, and c. could not read the words at least 50% of the time because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t get them out, which made my daughter laugh even harder when I finally got the whole sentence together. You are fucking amazing!! Thank you!!

    1. 1. I never thought about the emotional attachments to my irritable body parts. That’s very interesting.
      2. I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Once I got past my anger I had to admit it WAS kind of funny.
      3. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Lemons are full of Vitamin C, Gin is made from juniper berries which are an anti-oxidant, and tonic water contains quinine, great for malaria and types of arthritis! Stay healthy–cheers!!

    1. HUH! Who knew? You are great at this game. 😂 If I ever need to justify my Gin & Tonic habit, I will definitely use this! Thanks.

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